Devlog 6: 2nd production start

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Now we are heading into our 2nd production stage. In this stage we want to focus on adding some secondary environmental elements to the level, to refine our level layout and player-feedback and to implement our sounds, FX and animations. 


We realised that our level felt too cluttered and we didn't have enough space to add our secondary assets and environment features. 
It was better to zoom out a bit, to expose more of the sky/bg and to improve the overall mood.  

We added a waterfall, that will push the players when they walk on it. 

It still wasn't very clear when the player was standing in front of the mailbox, so we added a platform in front of it, to make that easier to see. 

There are a few particles we'd like to add, this week we made some dust clouds for our characters' steps. 


PostPunch-v0.7.rar 61 MB
Apr 26, 2022

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