Devlog 7: 2nd Production Wk2

Hey! Welcome Back~

Thanks for stopping by~ 

We received a lot of great feedback in our advisor meeting. Most of the feedback, focussed on readability and lighting. 
I'll list the main feedback we received and then dive into how we tried to apply it in Post Punch. 

It was very hard to recognise the characters on the screen, because the level and the character had similar contrast and saturation. 
The way some of the platforms were positioned made their placement in space a little confusing, because some parts were overlapping awkwardly. 
Our lighting was not being used deliberately. We needed to control our lighting and use it to guide the player.  


Our colours and lighting got a big overhaul. 
We illuminated the paths to clearly show the player the accessible path. To further illustrate this, we removed some greenery on the sides of platforms. This was also suggested to us by our advisors, because it was unclear how the player was supposed to move through the level. 

Animations were added to the platforms, to make the level feel more alive.

It was still unclear if the player was actually doing anything when standing in front of the mail box. So we thought it was a good idea to add a short loading bar. 

Thank you for reading. 
See you again next week~


PostPunch-v0.8.rar 86 MB
May 03, 2022

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